Letters to the Editor

Letters posted to the Everett Herald of Snohomish County.

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Location: United States

Married, plenty of pets.

Monday, September 29, 2008


A record 777 point drop.

Markets are now terrified that they won't get the bail out they desperately want.

But if they do? Where does that leave the American taxpayer?

Up a creek without a paddle.

And a very expensive one at that.

But I think that what Wall Street is afraid is that this recession of ours will get worse if they don't get their money.

Well, I hate to break it to them--but that recession has claimed a lot of people's livelihoods already in the past year. And things are going to get worse before they get better.

That's the nature of these recessions. But none of us should fear something which is clearly out of our control.

Even Wall Street's.

Schuyler Thorpe


Everett, WA 98206



After reading a recent letter on the high rents here in Snohomish County (particularly Everett), the writer should take some solace in knowing that because of this trend, my wife and I are being forced out onto the streets because we can no longer afford any place of our own.

Even on Section 8 housing.

But because of some minor credit problems, we cannot rent from anyone whom runs an apartment complex.

And in the 13 years I've lived here (since coming up from Vermont), I have never seen it this bad. But I fear it may be several years before we can get back on our feet.

Only because this foreclosure mess and credit crisis has affected practically everyone with a source of income--even those on fixed like myself.

I wish there was a lifeline that we could hold onto, but the sad fact is...? Every state and city service is tapped beyond measure.

All we can do is wait till things get better.

Schuyler Thorpe


Everett, WA 98206



If neither the government nor Congress listens to what the people are saying and demanding in the past week, why should we spend $700B to $1 trillion plus dollars bailing out Wall Street?

I keep getting that tingling thought in my head that we are simply being 'tuned out' by our own representatives and their just going to do whatever the heck they want--with or without our consent or approval.

Schuyler Thorpe

xxxth Street xx #X001

Everett, WA 98204



In less than 9 days, my wife and I will be homeless.

Not because we made bad judgments, didn't read the market right and whatnot, but simply put--because people like me (whom are on low-income)--are simply priced out of both house and home.

The victims of this financial meltdown brought on by the Bush administration's love affair with de-regulation and his rich cronies--has been (unfortunately) homeowners and renters.Homeowners whom lost their homes and have flooded the rental market in record numbers in Western Washington these past several years, and long-time renters (like myself) whom have been relying on public housing to get by; because our normal amount of disability or other government-reliant--checks--is woefully insufficient to keep up with the now staggering costs of renting out even a 1-bedroom apartment.

But because of the crisis, housing agencies have become unable to absorb the extra costs.

And therefore, we were denied our voucher. And since we cannot afford to live anywhere else--becoming homeless once again is a sobering reminder of just how neglected the people have become since the Republicans took over Congress and Bush took over the Presidency.

And now--because of the financial crisis at hand--we are now staring down the barrel of the most expensive bailout in US history. All for Wall Street's benefit, but not Main Street's.

Mine will be on these cold streets of Everett--because there is no home for me or my wife.

It may be some time before we can get back on our feet--if at all. But I never once gave it much thought that we would be affected like this.

But I was wrong. So very, very, wrong.

Schuyler Thorpe

xxxth Street xx #X001

Everett, WA 98204



For all the hoopla and rigid defense of the rich and powerful's continued need to keep screwing us where it hurts the most, I'm finally starting to get a small inkling of change on the horizon. (And it's not the kind that John McCain will promise to deliver upon getting (s)elected to the White House like his failed predecessor did in 2000.)

The change I'm referring to is the kind where the American worker (big and small) is finally telling Big Business: "We're mad as hell and we aren't going to take it anymore!"And why not? Big Business and Corporate America has been screwing the average American out of a living wage, affordable health care, and benefits for *years*.

Our well-being is no longer important to them. All these rich jack rabbits care about is themselves and no one else. How else can you explain why execs are getting paid rich bonuses and other thrifty pay packages and the guy at the lower end of the pay-scale are still getting paid slave wages and no incentives to boot?

Even after years of loyal service?So what do I think of the latest strike by Boeing? I think it's a wake up call to the company to start treating their employees better. With all those billions of dollars in yearly profits, surely a generous increase in pay, benefits, and job security won't cost that much--will it?

Or does Boeing intend on keeping a majority of their workers hitched to poverty wages for however long they intend on working there?

Schuyler Thorpe

xxxth Street xx #X001

Everett, WA 98204



I find it distasteful that Sarah Palin has to stoop so low as to mock the work and dedication that many of our community leaders have done since time immorial.

Makes me wonder if she ever seen or read Martin Luther King's "I Have A Dream"-speech?

Because if she did, she would've realized that Obama truly has more experience in dealing with the day to day affairs of the common people--than some glorified 'hockey mom' with a backwater taste for hunting bears and wolfing down overcooked moose burgers.

Simply put, community leaders are a vital part of our society. Without them, the world as we know it wouldn't function.
I just wish the Republicans would know this instead of making light of a life's work that some of us here in America believe in more than politics itself.

Because--when you get down to it--it is the people (not the party) that benefit from their leadership, wisdom, and compassion the most.

It shows that they care enough to put some effort into changing our lives for the better.

That's what makes Obama's situation all that more special. And he should be commended for his work as a community leader.

Not condemned out of sheer spite by Sarah Palin--John McCain's VP pick.

Schuyler Thorpe

xxxth Street xx #X001

Everett, WA 98204