Letters to the Editor

Letters posted to the Everett Herald of Snohomish County.

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Location: United States

Married, plenty of pets.

Monday, January 28, 2008


I really wish I knew which history book this letter writer read from when he had his letter posted recently in the Everett Herald. (And for that matter--I would like to know why the editors of this paper didn't catch his erroneous gaffes either!)

The writer in question posts great examples of historical events and 'attacks' to push his ideological vision of a 'war' supposedly started by Islamic fundamentalist groups--and claiming that the US itself has been under attack since that day; in 1979.

But these aren't attacks. Just the results of our meddling in the affairs of other countries.

Most of those events detailed briefly in the 1980s and early 90s wasn't just funded in part (or in secret) by Iran or Saudi Arabia, but also Libya. (Did the writer forget that last part?)

However, these all have curious links back to past Presidents such as Carter, Reagan, Bush I, Clinton, and now Bush II. Our foreign policy dictates of the last 30+ years has allowed radical groups like Al-Qaeda to exist.

Because we were responsible for their creation in the first place!

As for the war with Islam? There isn't one. Just an ideological fool's fantasy; bred to insinuate that we have a dire threat that must be dealt with on a global scale.

Strange thing is, is that we are dealing with only a localized event. Not a worldwide one.

No one country has fallen to these radical groups. No one army has been defeated. No pocket of Western civilization has been subjected to the extremist ideas perpetuated by these same fanatics which we helped breed and create for our own sinister purposes.

In short, there is no fire. Just the usual fear and ignorance.

Schuyler Thorpe

xxxth Street xx #X001

Everett, WA 98204


Sunday, January 27, 2008


See, this is the reason why I hate how tax rebate checks are being doled out: If you make between $85-$110,000 a year, you get an additional $800 to $1600 extra as a 'bribe' for being part of the well-to-do and the wealthy. (Party-time!)

But what about those on the low end of the pay scale? Those making between $10,000 and $15,000 a year?

The government just ignores that part of the working-class and just focuses on what brings earns them large campaign donations every election cycle: Namely the rich, the wealthy, and big business.

They need the money, right?

Think I'm joking? Back in 2001, I was supposed to have gotten $300 as a single tax-payer. I was promised this! I thought I was going to ride high on $300! But because of my paltry income level, I only received a measly $75!

Big-ticket items like a TV or a computer? Forget it. What I got couldn't have paid my way out of a paper bag.

But this is what we get at the low end of the pay scale.

This is what the government expects to bail our sagging economy with.

This is why I think that these tax rebate checks are such a joke. The government just doesn't hurt us financially with this callous move.

They insult those very same people--whom are struggling to make ends meet--with a slap in the face and a pissant consolation prize.

Schuyler Thorpe

xxxth Street xx #X001

Everett, WA 98204



I just loved Dino's comments of Gregroire's performance as governor--after her State of the State address:

"Spent too much money and did very little."

That would explain our $1.2B budget surplus, hmm? Wonder why he never complained of Gary Locke's budget deficit during his tenure was governor--while running for office in 2004?

As for doing too little? Gregroire did a lot during the stormy season of 2006 and the recent flood damage last December. She was out there--actively involved in both disasters--instead of just sitting on the sidelines and twiddling her thumbs.

And while some urgent issues need to be addressed still, Christine has proven that she indeed has done much for the state of Washington--than Rossi could've ever hoped to accomplish; had he been elected instead.

Which makes me wonder: Where was Rossi all this time while Gregroire was governor? In hibernation?

Schuyler Thorpe

xxxth Street xx #X001

Everett, WA 98204



Forget paid vacations and accruing sick leave the old-fashioned way: Where we all have to bust our butts years on end to accumulate enough hours for a rainy day.

Why not get all our respective employers to start giving us paid sick leave without any strings attached--like they have in Washington D.C.?

If they can't give us decent healthcare packages with our low-end jobs, at least give us the option of handing us paid sick-leave.


That way, employers don't have to drive up the costs of paying out of the nose for expensive healthcare insurance.

Think about how much it costs for company health insurance premiums over the long-term versus a few days or a week's worth of paid sick leave.

Think about how much that will save our employers every year!

Yes, we may lose some worker productivity, but it sure as heck beats the alternative!

On behalf of all minimum-wage workers here in the state of Washington, I implore our employers and corporations alike to think about it.

Please...just think about it.

Schuyler Thorpe

xxxth Street xx #X001

Everett, WA 98204