Letters to the Editor

Letters posted to the Everett Herald of Snohomish County.

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Location: United States

Married, plenty of pets.

Sunday, August 31, 2008


As a former Alaskan myself, I find McCain's pick of a female vice-president from my home state to be baffling as much as it is a shock.

It comes as no surprise that the GOP aren't a big fan of women or women's rights in general.

McCain clearly has every intention of restricting women's rights on abortions--with more federal restrictions on the way. He also views gays and lesbians as 'second-class' citizens of America--and harbors little doubt that he'll bomb Iran the first chance he gets. (Just so he can show the world that America means 'business'.)

But what baffles me about McCain's pick is that Palin has zero experience on the national stage.

While his supporters are claiming otherwise--it's become all that painfully clear that this young female candidate of his was more designed to placate Hillary's supporters (to show that he's all for women voters) than anything else.

To satisfy his minority social conservative base, she was the best pick because of her anti-abortion stance.

To satisfy the Christian right, a little cute story about her son with Down Syndrome being carried to full-term.

But her youth and inexperience is what shuts the door on John's attacks on Obama about his own youth and inexperience--labeling him to be more hypocritical than anything else.

How can McCain now continue to attack Obama on his lack of experience when he now has a candidate who is less experienced than him?

If you don't have a migraine now over this general election, you will have one soon enough.

Schuyler Thorpe

xxxth Street xx #X001

Everett, WA 98204



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