Letters to the Editor

Letters posted to the Everett Herald of Snohomish County.

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Location: United States

Married, plenty of pets.

Friday, June 13, 2008


Personally, I would like to know why The Herald delights in irritating some readers by publishing such outrageous hogwash and ridiculous propaganda in the first place. ("Environmentalists stopped the drilling.")
Blame the Democrats and environmentalists for not wanting the rest of us to destroy every inch of the environment we live currently in? Sure! If it fits the party rhetoric and classic blame game! Let's get it printed! (Should sell the paper more copies, right?)

But I seriously doubt that writer even knows why gas prices are so astronomically high right now, or the real reasons behind our lack of no new refineries or production facilities these last 30 years or so.

It's not just Democrats and environmentalists whom had a hand in clamping down, or introducing legislation to perserve sensitive areas to new drilling contracts all these years, but also Republicans!

Did the writer even consider that in his recently published tirade? I don't think so.

But it's so easy to blame one side when you don't have all the facts and information at hand. Isn't that right folks?

Schuyler Thorpe

xxxth Street xx #X001

Everett, WA 98204



I didn't read the whole column ("White Women Takes The Gloves Off"), but the first paragraph about how most female voters feel that Clinton was unfairly 'victimized' by the media (and unproven with Obama)--because she was a woman, says in itself the transparent arrogance by such attitudes--which still permeates our nation's social fabric today.

From my perspective, the moment Clinton got into the ring, she was asking for it. The same with Obama. But to imply unfairly that she was mostly targeted because of her outlying gender is ridiculous.

Many women have been targeted for less than that, but where was the uproar then? It only happens when you're someone important and you happen to have serious name-recognition--does the terms "unfair" and "foul" start to come into play.

Only because you or your supporters believe you weren't given the benefit of the doubt.

In Clinton's case, she was given every opportunity to make her case stick. But she didn't. And she lost.

But not because she was just a mere woman.

That's ludicrous!

Clinton lost because she grossly underestimated the political landscape and the mood of the nation.

But it doesn't mean the world is over because of this. Because of Hillary, many women will now see that they too can reach higher pinnacles of...well, aspiration.

It's no longer a man's world anymore. And that's what Clinton proved in this election.

So women: Why be angry over that revelation at all?

The door is now wide open. The barriers broken. It's time for you to step through.

What's it going to be?

Schuyler Thorpe

xxxth Street xx #X001

Everett, WA 98204