Letters to the Editor

Letters posted to the Everett Herald of Snohomish County.

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Location: United States

Married, plenty of pets.

Saturday, March 31, 2007


In the last week, I noted with mutual disgust that so many war supporters are coming out of the woodworks to hit the Democrats and their supporters of charges of:

Undermining our troops

Tying the hands of our military commanders

And emboldening the enemy by "surrendering"--through their one-sided view of current events.

It's sad that while we have the rights and freedoms to speak our own minds, not many war supporters have the intellectual capacity to fully grasp what is driving this current Congress to challenge our reigning (and out of control) President on what many see as an illegal occupation.

I remember all too well that our nation spoke as one voice at the mid-terms. The people demanded an end to this failed war--not a continuation. Not an extension. Not a Hail Mary to end all Hail Mary's.

After 4 years of incompetent war policies and a civil war in full swing, the people are demanding (not asking) that Congress end this debacle!

So why do so many blissfully ignorant war supporters still see this as undermining our military and emboldening the enemy?

Schuyler Thorpe

xxxth Street xx #X001

Everett, WA 98204


Wednesday, March 21, 2007


Never before in American government (save Nixon), has our own government gone to great lengths to keep things a definitive secret from the American public.

This administration was never about what it pledged to bring back in the 2000 election: Honesty, integrity, and most of all, accountability.

At this point in time, the House has issued subpoenas for some of the White House's top aides--including Karl Rove.

Oddly enough, the White House is declaring the move unconstitutional.

The question is why?

There is nothing unconstitutional about it. The US Constitution grants Congress certain inherent powers. And Bush knows this.

Sadly--though--he is trying to hide behind the overly abused executive privilege excuse as to try and roadblock this matter. Only because he doesn't want the public to know the truth.

So where's the accountability in this administration? Has anyone seen it lately? Has everyone grown tired yet of the abuse of power through all levels of government yet?

Or are we just going to try and have these matters swept under the rug like they were when the Republicans had full and unadulterated control of everything?

It's time we start bringing back honest government. Bring back what it means to be proud of our country. Let's end all this political fear and terrorism wrought by this administration--by demanding that they stop foot-dragging our constitutional rights through the mud, and ante up!

It's the only way we can look at ourselves in the mirror without shame.

Schuyler Thorpe

xxxth Street xx #X001

Everett, WA 98204


Wednesday, March 14, 2007


First Walter Reed, then the US attorney firings over political pressures, and now this latest one: The FBI illegally misusing its powers granted to it by the equally nefarious Patriot Act to intentionally spy on Americans and pressure businesses to give up sensitive employee information--because they pose a non-existent threat to national security.

Many times in the past, I had been warning people that "absolute power corrupts absolutely", and very few have actually listened.

So now we have a government that delights in snooping and spying on its own citizens--either in open or in secret--and little is being done to clamp down the offending perps who have gone above the law and acted on their own accord. (Just because they think they can.)

And people have the gall to claim they feel "safe" because their government spies on them without warrants or reason to follow the laws set down before them in precedence?

I wonder just how many citizens were taken advantage of during the last 4 years that this activity had been going on?

Here's an example we can all chew on:

2 years ago, there was an article published on the 'net stating just how overwhelmed the FBI was by the millions of e-mails sifted from a supposedly secret data-mining program. A program which was supposed to only go after target suspects, but ended up sweeping in roughly 100 million people's public and private e-mails--some erroneously pegged as having links to terrorists.

As embarrassing as this incident was, it proved that the FBI then wasn't content to just going after 'persons of interests'.

Now it's going after innocent people and businesses--and abusing their power in the process.

Where will the buck stop?

Schuyler Thorpe

xxxth Street xx #X001

Everett, WA 98204


Tuesday, March 06, 2007


Ever since this war started, I have been anti-war, anti-government.

I thought that at least by voicing my opinions with the Herald, my voice would be heard from time to time.

And so--lately--people who have sons and daughters in this war, have been begging the rest of us nay-sayers to support the troops.

"Support our troops because my son is in Iraq!"--one writer recently implored us, and I didn't give it much polite thought--only because of my anti-war stance.

And now, I see and hear that the government has been purposely neglecting not only the troops over in Walter-Reid, but also on the war front: By short-changing them to the tune of $38B dollars in much needed equipment, their leaves, and even shortening further critical training regimens--which is vital to fighting an ongoing war like this.

The latest scandal shouldn't come as a surprise to everyone who has been with this disgraceful and uncharismatic administration to date. And why not?

Everything they have said and done has been a willful slap in the face to the American public.

Blissful ignorance and willful arrogance. Isn't this the proud new face of American politics?

It must be--if the government can get away with treating our serving men and women in this deplorable manner. After all, they've had plenty of practice on middle-class America and the poor--by short-changing much needed services and programs for them.

So why not the military?

Schuyler Thorpe

xxxth Street xx #X001

Everett, WA 98204