Letters to the Editor

Letters posted to the Everett Herald of Snohomish County.

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Location: United States

Married, plenty of pets.

Sunday, August 26, 2007


It's bad enough that we have a foolish President who seems content in revising his rationale for war--once the original one fails to capture the attention of the American people.

But to simply assign blame on the American public whom wanted out of that sad little Asian conflict in the first place? Does Bush really believe we could've won that one hands down?

How strange!

I didn't know that those who protested the Vietnam War--were responsible for allowing atrocities like the massacre under Pol Pot to occur in the first place!

God almighty! I must've read the wrong history book here! Why wasn't I told of this growing up?

Shucky-darn! I guess I should stop protesting the war which Bush has led us into illegally and start getting right with the program...

However, that wouldn't stop the war. Or the people who want out of this never-ending conflict--as Bush is now looking for a new way out of the mess he himself created.

By drawing on the divisive (and painful) memory of Vietnam, ol' Dubya is seeking to foot the blame on the very people who is no longer supporting his failed war: Namely, the American people.

Namely me.

Schuyler Thorpe

xxxth Street xx #X001

Everett, WA 98204



Oddly enough, we don't hear much of what really affects Americans these days.

Bush says it's terrorism.

Both Obama and Clinton will tell you that it is the war in Iraq.

But put aside all those devisive issues, and what are the candidates--and the President--really saying about the local issues? Things which really impact the average American at home?


Nothing about the high cost of living. Nothing about the struggling families which are burdened by high medical costs, zero healthcare affordability, suppressed wages, and many of the other things which have hit so close to home.

On the national scale, these matters simply don't resonate with those corporate-bought candidates. They may say they care, but we all know that actions speak louder than words.

And these words are universally adamant with:

"What did you say? I wasn't paying attention."

Schuyler Thorpe

xxxth Street xx #X001

Everett, WA 98204


Saturday, August 11, 2007


This is just another clear example of people's ignorance and arrogance of others whom are down on their luck and destitute to boot.

Let's take it out on those individuals who have less than those who are fortunate to have a job!

Sure! Why not? This is a free country!

Let's bomb on the welfare recipients, those getting state assistance, and free medicare--by insinuating that all we're doing (each and every one of us)--is exchanging our checks and food stamp cards for drugs.

Yeah! That's the ticket! Let's all start throwing mud at those people who are struggling to even make a living for themselves!

I hate to break it to that one letter writer ("Make recipients pass drug tests"), but you're talking to one such recipient who doesn't do drugs!

I can't afford it! I'm barely scraping by as it is! Why would I need to fill my body with such filth anyway?

I take great offense to those who imply that all those people like me are the ones who are trading their "free lunch" for meth and heroine. Just like I took offense when a few people suggested that we should execute every sex offender in the state of Washington.

Lack of morals and ethics going on here?

No. Just stupid idiots whom don't understand what people like me have to go through each and every day just to survive on what little is given to us each month.

But what do I know? I'm just a drug-addled "welfare recipient".


Schuyler Thorpe

xxxth Street xx #X001

Everett, WA 98204



Oh, woe is me! There is no "good news" coming out of Iraq! No nothing which I can spin to my benefit and lord over all the anti-war despots and protestors!

You know, that's the funny thing about this failed conflict in Iraq: There is no good news coming out of Iraq.

If there was, the Malaki government wouldn't be close to collapsing like the country's power grid is right now. Or the fact that Baghdad doesn't have any running water.

Al-Qaeda being defeated in Iraq? Hardly. All we're doing is hitting the same targets over and over--hoping for a different outcome. But each time we do, we end up killing more civilians than the enemy in the process.

And blaming our failures on the enemy isn't going to make ourselves look any better.

Just ask Private Green--whom got a 110-year sentence for the rape and murder of an 14-year-old Iraqi girl and her family.

Or other soldiers recently convicted of their heinous crimes against Iraqi civilians.

Or the fact that the surge isn't working like the US military had hoped. Iraqi reconstruction and reconciliation failing. Or billions of our tax-money vanishing like a fart in the wind.

And on top of that, we have reports of the Saudis are openly funding the Iraqi insurgency. Didn't we just dump $20B worth of arms over the next 4 years on top of them--hoping to bribe them to partake in the stabilization of Iraq? (Which is looking more and more elusive by the day.)


Good news, right?

No. A reality check.

Which is something that some people can't handle at this given time.

Schuyler Thorpe

xxxth Street xx #X001

Everett, WA 98204