Letters to the Editor

Letters posted to the Everett Herald of Snohomish County.

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Location: United States

Married, plenty of pets.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008


I'm going to get this out of my system by saying that if Obama was just every other white candidate, we wouldn't have so many people trying to nail him to the wall for every comment or statement he's said.

As much as McCain and Clinton have screwed up with their 'misstatements' or 'gaffes'--it seems a little bizarre that some individuals here in this country have to go out of their way by blowing everything Obama has said way out of proportion--by trying to paint him to be something he's clearly not.

First, it was his name, then it was his racial heritage. Then it was what his pastor said, then kids and births. Now, it's what he said in Pennsylvania recently about people's inherent nature to fall back on what they believe in are the absolutes in life: Guns and religion--when our own government fails us. Or fails them in particular.

And now, some are suggesting that these latest comments are indicative that he's against people owning guns and practicing their own faiths in good stead.

How did this come about, I ask you?

It came because some Americans in this nation of ours just don't bother with doing enough research, or wish to stay informed. They want to run on whatever floats their boats and thus are rigid and incapable of doing otherwise when the truth finally comes to light.

And that creates--in itself--a disturbing atmosphere filled with many gross misconceptions and 'misstatements'.

One of which creates the impression that our nation is more stupid on the surface than in actual reality.

Schuyler Thorpe

xxxth Street xx #X001

Everett, WA 98204



Recently, we had a pet emergency which required one of our beloved pets to undergo emergency surgery--and thus drained us of our limited monthly budget.

We had no money to get our most basic essentials and we had nobody to turn to in our time of need.

So I hatched on a desperate idea to turn to the 'net to petition complete strangers for help and assistance.

Despite some people's outward reservations and callous e-mails, people from across the world chipped in to help two people whom needed help; and going to great lengths to see that our needs were met for this month.

Even though times right now are tougher than nails.

And that left me and my wife with a feeling like none other. It just reinforces the belief in us that though there are selfish and uncaring individuals out there, some people still find it within themselves to step up to the plate and help others whom they don't even know.

Because it was the right thing to do. And that is the reason why we can't thank them enough for their generosity and assistance in this recent crisis.

I just hope that one of these days, I can turn around and do the same in return.

Schuyler Thorpe

xxxth Street xx #X001

Everett, WA 98204


(Note: This letter was published in the Everett Herald of Snohomish County, Washington)