Sometime in April, I'll have to do something I haven't done in 8 years: Cut out my phone service completely.
Because I can no longer afford it or keep up with the payments. It's not to say I've been reckless or irresponsible with my phone service. A recent cut in my already limited income has made me realize that I can no longer keep up with even my most basic bills.
This past weekend, I got another shock: PUD still hasn't credited my 60% discount on my latest bi-monthly power bill--like they said they would.
I'm now faced with a $160 bill rather than $120--despite my best efforts to conserve energy. (As our place sucks in the heat retention department.)
And given Bush's recent upbeat comments that the economy will turn around in a few months? I certainly wish I shared in his fantasy optimism. It would've made my financial pain at home even less of a burden than it already is now in real life.
Schuyler Thorpe
xxxth Street xx #X001
Everett, WA 98204
Because I can no longer afford it or keep up with the payments. It's not to say I've been reckless or irresponsible with my phone service. A recent cut in my already limited income has made me realize that I can no longer keep up with even my most basic bills.
This past weekend, I got another shock: PUD still hasn't credited my 60% discount on my latest bi-monthly power bill--like they said they would.
I'm now faced with a $160 bill rather than $120--despite my best efforts to conserve energy. (As our place sucks in the heat retention department.)
And given Bush's recent upbeat comments that the economy will turn around in a few months? I certainly wish I shared in his fantasy optimism. It would've made my financial pain at home even less of a burden than it already is now in real life.
Schuyler Thorpe
xxxth Street xx #X001
Everett, WA 98204