Letters to the Editor

Letters posted to the Everett Herald of Snohomish County.

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Location: United States

Married, plenty of pets.

Sunday, January 28, 2007


Ever since Rumsfeld left, I thought (at least) Robert Gates--the new Secretary of Defense--would be coming in with a clear mind (or at least an independent one), and start seeing this war for what it was, and start taking his job seriously--instead of getting sucked into this fantasy 'Wonderland' which has affected the entire administration.

But...on one occasion, Gates was quoted as saying that, "failure in Iraq would lead to a calamity for the US that would last for years." (He must've been referring to the fact that we now have what is now called 'Vietnam II'.)

Now he says that people who oppose the President and the new Congressional resolution opposing Bush's plan to send in 21,500 troops into the meat-grinder--"undercuts US commanders by denying them the resources they need, and emboldens the enemy".

From this writer's standpoint, it would seem that one of the most fundamental rights we have as a nation (granted to us by the Constitution) our rights to free speech, and the ability to call our elected government into account--is no longer valid in times of war.

Because it "emboldens the enemy". (Nice, huh?)

But lately, it would seem as though we are obligated by some secret law not to criticize our President or our own military--or anything else for that matter--for fear that we would be shown as "cowards", "enemy sympathizers", or "traitors to the cause".

So in effect, both Gates and the Decider has just told the 70% of us Americans who are against this 'troop surge' and Congress to: "Get with the program and fall in line".

In other words, strap on your jack boots, dust off your Third Reich uniform, and start shouting: "Seig Heil!"

Schuyler Thorpe

xxxth Street xx #X001

Everett, WA 98204


Tuesday, January 23, 2007


From tax breaks to the rich, the wealthy, and Big Business (including Big Oil), why does it seem like every domestic/energy proposal Bush foots forward--has to have some kind of tax break involved?

Why can’t we have something that doesn’t involve tax breaks for once?

Doesn't this man understand that each tax break proposed (and funded) would essentially steal money back from the average US taxpayer in the future--just to pay all of it back?

This isn't free money! (Unless you're rich and well-to-do of course.)

But his latest "health insurance" proposal (or scheme) is just another slap in the face (once again) to state employees, low-paid teachers, and so many other people whom have to work long hours just to make ends meet.

This new "idea" of W’s is nothing more than a guise to destroy the employer-based health care system which provides health insurance to 160 million people.

Granted, Bush's already train wrecked Social Security through his egregious spending habits, and blew apart Medicare with that bastard Medicare Prescription Part D boondoggle of his.

But this latest “pay-it-forward” stunt of his is going to really put more pressure on the middle-class and even the poor--who already don't have much to live off of to begin with!

But I guess it doesn't matter. Our President will do whatever he wants to the programs we either pay into or have to pay out of pocket for--regardless of who it hurts in the long run.

Because it's all about those "fabulous" tax breaks!


Schuyler Thorpe

xxxth Street xx #X001

Everett, WA 98204


Wednesday, January 17, 2007


In regards to a recent letter ("For future's sake, we cannot quit"), I was far from disappointed with the writer's grasp of reality, I was actually amazed by the fact that some people still believe, "Hey! We're winning this war!"

Did anyone see the news recently where 100 people in Baghdad died from a car bomb attack?

Using the writer's letter as a guide, how does that make things "better" in Iraq, if Iraqis are dying by the truckload every day in suicide bombings and sectarian killings?

Would she still call that "making strides" in this war--even if our own military has failed thus far to date to stop the insurgent and death squad attacks on both sides?

How can the Iraqi people be grateful for having democracy when they have an impotent government now and have absolutely no security to speak of--because we screwed up in so many ways with this botched invasion of ours?

Is this what her sons have fought (and will most likely die) for? To spin their wheels in place for 4 years and beyond, trying to halt and all out civil war?

The letter writer can blame the terrorists all she wants till the cows come home. But it won't change the reality on the ground.

Schuyler Thorpe

xxxth Street xx #X001

Everett, WA 98204



Once again, Darth Cheney (I mean...Dick Cheney!) is out there again, spreading more disinformation, lies, and fear about people whom "criticize" his master's plan to put more human meat into the Iraqi grinder--regardless of the strong opposition from the people themselves and Congress.

He seems to believe that anyone who is "against them" has played right into the hands of Osama bin Laden--by proving that we don't have "the stomach" for a long and drawn out war. (In his words: "One that could last perhaps as long as 30 to 40 years.")

Perhaps I'm wrong, but one of the inalienable rights granted by the Constitution is the freedom of speech, and the right to question our government when they make one failed policy decision after another.

And in this case: The Bush administration.

Since when was it considered "treasonous" to go against the current status quo and demand that our President and Veep listen to us when we talk to them?

Schuyler Thorpe

xxxth Street xx #X001

Everett, WA 98204


Thursday, January 11, 2007


I should say that I'm extremely disappointed with Bush's speech last night.

Not only is he giving the bird to the American people, but he's also mooning Congress and daring them to stop him from carrying out yet another disastrous military blunder on top of the ones already committed in this failed war of his.

At this time, I would like to take a moment and thank the Republican Party for making this possible.

Thank you for giving this moron too much rope to do with as he pleases--without the need for any checks or balances.

Thank you for turning the Executive Branch into a one-sided theocracy with unlimited power.

Schuyler Thorpe

xxxth Street xx #X001

Everett, WA 98204



Barring the mid-term elections, it seemed to me that everything that Bush has done wrong, or screwed up on (royally), is somehow the "liberals fault".

And that's all I've heard up until the mid-terms since the last Presidential election:

"It's the liberals fault, it's the liberals fault, it's the liberals fault...!"

And now, that the Democrats are in control again, I'm surprised to see that a letter writer ("Don't encourage hate of US abroad") still believes that tired mantra.

Why do you think that the world hates the US? It's not the liberals doing, now is it? Are the liberals in control of the White House? Are liberals in control of US foreign policy these days?

Are liberals also responsible for Bush's desire to trainwreck Social Security with one of his ridiculous ponzi schemes?

I'm sure that the letter writer in question thinks that everything done wrong by Bush these last six years is the liberals fault, but remember this: It isn't Americans who are spreading negative views of our nation abroad.

It's the man sitting in the White House.

Schuyler Thorpe

xxxth Street xx #X001

Everett, WA 98204


Friday, January 05, 2007


My situation--to put it mildly--is grave. In the last six months, I have tried every legal aid outlet that I know of, and the message is clear: They cannot help me unless its tied to some kind of financial settlement.

My problem stems from a neuro-psych case in which Social Security conducted on me last summer, and from that, it was determined that I was miraculously cured of my cerebral palsy. But what was worse, was that they now think that I committed some kind of fraud against the government, involving my other neural disorders (ADD/ADHD/bi-polar), and two new health problems (a form of optic nerve degeneration and Factor Five Leyden).

So now they want to take me to federal court sometime down the road, and they insulted me by mailing me a list of attorneys and legal aid firms which could help me--but only if it involved some kind of financial settlement with Social Security. (And every answer I've got from them so far has been "No".)

As it stands, I don't know where to turn. But if the case where to be held now, I would lose. And therefore, all my benefits would stop--including my medical which is keeping me alive. Without it, I wouldn't last three weeks.

I make so little as it is on disability each month. and couldn't afford an attorney on my own.

But this is the system for you. And for the disabled, legal aid is supposed to work for them. But it doesn't. Not in this case--even though I am clinically disabled. And I'm afraid that I'll end up paying for it with my life.

Schuyler Thorpe

xxxth Street xx #X001

Everett, WA 98204



Having missed my eye doctor's appointment (and waiting for the bus to show up--and no, it's not my fault I wear shorts year around. The weather is simply not cold enough for my tastes), I looked around the block near Pilchuck's Books, and took in all the decrepit masonry on some of the buildings--especially the ones with those old furniture store ads.

And it got me thinking? "Why is the city trying to do spending a quarter mill on its image--when it has cool stuff like this?" (And I'm not even a native of these parts.)

Is it trying to cover up its age, its proud past, its rampant homeless, or some kind of drug problem--by proclaiming itself to be the most "squeaky-clean" city for the next quarter-century outside of Seattle? (Okay, so there's still debate on that one.)

$250K wouldn't do more than buy another bus, much less "clean up" an image problem it never had.

Face it Everett: You can't escape the problems you have simply by putting more pretty lip gloss on that pig we citizens call "reality".

Ask anyone living in the designated (and historical) Riverside neighborhood.

They'll say the same thing.

We are a city filled with a rich and vibrant history. And that's something which can never be replaced with a fancy promotional gimmick.

Or $250,000.

Schuyler Thorpe

xxxth Street xx #X001

Everett, WA 98204


Thursday, January 04, 2007


As much as I enjoy the next entertainment debacle, I find myself quickly tiring of the escapade that is now considered the Trump and O'Donnell Show.

At first, I was rootin' for Rosie because she was one tough broad, but now things have gotten so out of hand, that I'm like: "Whatever happened to adults acting like adults?"

Can anyone tell me exactly what kind of role model that either Rosie or Donald should be setting for everyone else these days? I know this kind of behavior makes for great ratings on the boob tube, but we must caution ourselves and be mindful of the fact that no one in Hollywood is immune to getting canned on the spot.

Or have we forgotten the firing of Tom Cruise from Paramount not too long ago?

But I have a suggestion for the two: If beating each other over what happened with Clay Aiken is that darned important, then tie the knot!

Get married!

Then they can really have something worth arguing over!

Schuyler Thorpe

xxxth Street xx #X001

Everett, WA 98204