But...on one occasion, Gates was quoted as saying that, "failure in Iraq would lead to a calamity for the US that would last for years." (He must've been referring to the fact that we now have what is now called 'Vietnam II'.)
Now he says that people who oppose the President and the new Congressional resolution opposing Bush's plan to send in 21,500 troops into the meat-grinder--"undercuts US commanders by denying them the resources they need, and emboldens the enemy".
From this writer's standpoint, it would seem that one of the most fundamental rights we have as a nation (granted to us by the Constitution) our rights to free speech, and the ability to call our elected government into account--is no longer valid in times of war.
Because it "emboldens the enemy". (Nice, huh?)
But lately, it would seem as though we are obligated by some secret law not to criticize our President or our own military--or anything else for that matter--for fear that we would be shown as "cowards", "enemy sympathizers", or "traitors to the cause".
So in effect, both Gates and the Decider has just told the 70% of us Americans who are against this 'troop surge' and Congress to: "Get with the program and fall in line".
In other words, strap on your jack boots, dust off your Third Reich uniform, and start shouting: "Seig Heil!"
Schuyler Thorpe
xxxth Street xx #X001
Everett, WA 98204