The writer sought to paint Iraq as being another war against the "Axis" powers, when in fact, we are fighting an enemy that can't be so easily defined as being German, Italian, or Japanese.
This enemy wears many faces, and the war on terror cannot be defeated simply by killing every terrorists we find. I ran across an article yesterday which spelled out why we are losing this war in Iraq and the war on terror. The columnist pointed out that even if we killed every terrorist today, terrorism would still be there tomorrow.
And the next day. And the day after that.
According to one controversial report, we have killed as many as 655,000 Iraqis and another UN report says that 1.4 million of them have been displaced because of the war. But the enemy is still there, and we are now grasping onto the idea that we can never defeat the insurgency militarily.
But the writer seems to believe that if we lost the war to terrorists, we will lose our freedoms and only be bowing down to Mecca 5 times a day as a result.
It's funny, but under Bush, we already have lost our freedoms. We lost Vietnam too, but that didn't mean we succumbed to Communism. I have serious doubts that by losing this war, we will all be converted to Islam in a second flat.
America will still be America no matter what happens. But we shouldn't allow our fears to rule our lives--if we can't face reality for what it is these days.
Schuyler Thorpe
xxxth Street xx #X001
Everett, WA 98204