Letters to the Editor

Letters posted to the Everett Herald of Snohomish County.

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Tuesday, December 26, 2006


I find it a bit perplexing. Here we are--living in a supposedly [[free]] country--where democracy and values of such are *observed*--and we pretty much grant everyone the right to do what they please--because...hey! We are Americans!


Well, I guess when people like this one writer ("Rapists, pedophiles shouldn't get rights") gets bored with their freedoms and democracy, they start to think about ways to *undo* the last 230 years upon which this country has stood for and was founded on in principle: Rights for all.

They want to start selectively turning a free society into a police-state mentality. (Has anyone seen V for Vendetta lately?)

I mean, why stop there? Why not start instituting new laws and regulations which pretty much tramples on the rights of all Americans? I mean, heck, we already have the Patriot Act and its future descendants ready and able to strip away our rights to privacy, search and seizure, and a whole lot of other niceties which our government is already infamous for--just to fight a bogus war on terror.

Where should we draw the line? People who break speeding limits? People who forget to pay their taxes? People who are late on their library books?

Maybe we should start stripping these people of their rights and nationality as free Americans--because they didn't follow the letter of the law.

Heck, I didn't like my freedoms and democracy anyways. Where do I sign up?

Schuyler Thorpe

xxxth Street xx #X001

Everett, WA 98204



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