Letters to the Editor

Letters posted to the Everett Herald of Snohomish County.

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Location: United States

Married, plenty of pets.

Sunday, December 23, 2007


As someone whom suffers from emotional and mental problems, I find this latest move by Congress and Bush to be a veritable slap in the face.

Instead of strengthening current laws already on the books, the government has now moved in such a way that it will allow gun owners illegitimate access to private healthcare records to determine whether or not that person is psychologically "fit" to legally buy a gun at his or her choosing.

And who's to say the government won't have the same level of access in the future? Hmm? Anyone think about that one?

Once again, the move is nothing more than an erosion of privacy rights for those who are mentally ill, or have emotional issues.

Because of Congress's shortsightedness, a large portion of this country will be denied their their Second Amendment rights to bear arms and own a gun--all because they have a few screws loose in the ol' melon.

But that's okay. The mentally ill and the handicap get discriminated plenty as it is on a daily basis anyways.

We all know it happens. I know it happens. I've had it done to me plenty of times over the years.

But..hey!...what's one more law to tell people that I am a bad person--based on one man's past actions? Sure! Why not? Let's draft more laws for people who are shunned by society as it is.

Make them feel more isolated than ever before!

After all, all we are doing is "protecting" America from individuals like me, right?

No harm done and all that?


No harm done. None whatsoever.

Schuyler Thorpe

xxxth Street xx #X001

Everett, WA 98204



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