Letters to the Editor

Letters posted to the Everett Herald of Snohomish County.

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Thursday, September 07, 2006


Bush says that we've disrupted terror cells and terror groups from inside America to all around the world, captured or killed top terror operatives, and dealt blows to terrorism everywhere.

And for that, America is more safe than we were in the five years since 9-11.

What he fails to mention is how we've also been spinning our wheels in Iraq and Afghanistan since then--creating more than enough terrorist replacements than we could ever possibly kill all at once.

What he fails to mention is how lax our border security still is, despite the introduction of 600 Nation Guard troops since the beginning of the summer.

What he fails to mention is how our port security is still open and vulnerable to terror attacks--despite the fact that he almost sold our port security to a known terrorist nation back in January

What he fails to mention is how the Taliban has seen an unprecedented resurgence in the last year in Afghanistan--thanks in part to the booming opium crop production there.

What he's failed to mention is how the new national unity government in Iraq has failed to quell the sectarian civil war going on in Iraq.

In fact, he's failed to mention a lot of things these days.

So whatever Bush is spinning these days, it could certainly use a cold dose of truth and reality!

Schuyler Thorpe
xxxth Streetxx #X001
Everett, WA 98204




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